Our Mission
The Asset Building Coalition of Kitsap is dedicated to gathering local community partners and resources to improve financial capability in Kitsap County residents and assist them in achieving financial stability.
Our Goals
Our goal is to build relevant and sustainable paths to economic opportunity. We help people save, invest in their futures and build financial skills.
- Connect members of the community to education and local resources that lead to stability, self-sufficiency, and ultimately financial security.
- Increase access to safe and affordable financial services, education, and products that help families build assets over a lifetime.
- Expand economic tools and opportunities that help low- and middle-income community members pursue job training or higher education to save more of their income and build wealth.
Our Members
The Asset Building Coalition of Kitsap was formed in June 2008 by nine community partners desiring to increase financial literacy and asset building skills among low-income residents. The coalition is thankful for the support and partnership of the following organizational members:
American Financial Solutions: https://www.myfinancialgoals.org/
Bremerton Housing Authority: https://bremertonhousing.org
Business Education, Support & Training (BE$T): https://www.kcr.org/business-education/
Community Frameworks: http://www.communityframeworks.org/
Connection Credit Union: https://www.connectioncu.org/
Goodwill: https://evergreengoodwill.org/locations/job-training-education-center-kitsap-county/
Guía Education and Consulting: https://www.guia-edu.net/
Habitat for Humanity: http://kitsaphabitat.org/
Housing Kitsap: https://www.kitsaphousing.org/
Housing Resources Bainbridge: https://www.housingresourcesbi.org/
Kitsap Community Resources: http://www.kcr.org/
Kitsap Credit Union: https://www.kitsapcu.org/
Kitsap Regional Library: https://www.krl.org/
Kitsap Strong: https://www.kitsapstrong.org/
Navy Federal Credit Union: https://www.navyfederal.org/
Olympic College: https://www.olympic.edu/
Peninsula Credit Union: https://www.pcfcu.org/
Prudential Advisors: https://www.prudential.com/advisor/rogelio-gonzalez
United Way Kitsap: https://www.unitedwaykitsap.org/
Up From Slavery Initiative: https://www.ufsi.org/
Washington State Employment Security Department: https://www.worksourcewa.com/
WWU Small Business Development Center: https://sbdc.wwu.edu/
How We Help
One aspect of our nonprofit agency is to help connect families with financial education. The Asset Building Coalition of Kitsap coordinates free financial classes throughout Kitsap County to:

Our classes, training, and workshops are designed to promote capacity building, encourage savings, expand ownership and assets, and protect your financial security.
We partner with agencies who share the Coalition’s mission and help provide resources and training to strengthen organizations, families and our community.
What We Do
- Help individuals develop assets
- Bank Accounts
- Home Ownership
- College Education
- Small Business
- Help individuals manage financial matters
- Debt
- Credit Repair
- Money Management
- Saving For Future Needs
Join the Asset Building Coalition of Kitsap County
Unite in our commitment to provide financial empowerment in Kitsap. Reach out to us via email if your organization would like to partner with us to help families in our community achieve financial stability and prosperity.

How We Impact
We focus on community economics, financial education, community engagement and collaborative partnerships.

The Asset Building Coalition is made possible through funding by the Washington State Department of Commerce.
Land Acknowledgement Statement
The Asset Building Coalition of Kitsap honors the first people of these lands by acknowledging that the area in which we operate is within the traditional territory of the Suquamish Tribe of Indians. We acknowledge those who inhabited the land before us to help to build understanding around the history of our land and its Indigenous People, as well as set the tone for honoring all people who have been historically marginalized or under-served.
We acknowledge the land of Kitsap County is within the aboriginal territory of the suq̀ʷabš “People of Clear Salt Water” (Suquamish People). Expert fisherman, canoe builders and basket weavers, the suq̀ʷabš live in harmony with the lands and waterways along Washington’s Central Salish Sea as they have for thousands of years. Here, the suq̀ʷabš live and protect the land and waters of their ancestors for future generations as promised by the Point Elliot Treaty of 1855.