GED Test Fee Scholarship
The Asset Building Coalition of Kitsap is extremely excited to offer scholarships to cover GED test fees costs (including practice test fees, if needed) for low-to-moderate household income Kitsap County residents.
Students referred by existing GED programs in Kitsap including programs at Evergreen Goodwill, Olympic College, and Kitsap Community Resources are encouraged to apply. Fee assistance will also be considered for self-study students not enrolled in the above programs, contingent on having passed a practice test. Please note these awards are needs-based and income documentation will be requested.
To apply for financial assistance, please complete an application at: https://www.kitsapabc.org/GED-financial-assistance.
These scholarships are funded by the Community Reinvestment Project which focuses on repairing wealth disparities in communities disproportionately harmed by the war on drugs. Native American, African American, and Hispanic individuals are strongly encouraged to apply.
Workgroup Recognition:
Thanks for the contributions of these coalition members for helping to implement this program:
Dina Pearson, Bremerton Housing Authority
Promise Partner, Kitsap Strong
Arber Metuku, Kitsap Community Resources
Phillip Godinez, Kitsap Community Resources
Jon King, Kitsap Community Resources
Darryl Riley, Up From Slavery Initiative
Cindy Garcia-Rivas, Kitsap Regional Library